lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

Los alumnos de inglés de 1° Bachillerato A han estudiado la estructura del texto narrativo y antes de Halloween han escrito historias realmente inquietantes. Estos son los cuentos de terror Lucía Játiva y Andrea Ortega:

Lucía Játiva

A few years ago when I was in primary school, my friend Ana invited all my class to her birthday in her country house and we lived a frightening experience.
At first it was fantastic because we were swimming in the pool and playing a lot of games but after lunch we went to the living room and we started to tell horror stories. Ana told us that in that house strange things happened like strange noises, shadows and voices. My friends and I thought that she was lying to us but suddenly the lights switched on by themselves and there were shadows everywhere. We were very scared, but we went to see if there was someone but there wasn´t anybody.
At the end we ran outside and we discovered that the “ghost” was Ana´s cousin so we started to play in the house. We pretended there was ghosts everywhere and it was so funny. It was an experience that I have never forgotten.
                            Andrea Ortega Mecinas

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